Greg Marshall
Game Designer and Programmer

Innovation Claim
•This project is innovative because games are usually told through one gameplay perspective. So this led me to want to break the mold to create something dynamic where perspective actually matters. As my on innovation in the game industry comes from improving on things that have already been established rather than trying to create something “new” which is relative to every individual.
Project Description
• I will go about making this using a viewable prototype such as photoshop, unreal, or paper prototype. Where all the content is free and accessible. There will be an option to switch perspectives so you can toggle between perspectives in solo or co-op gameplay.
•This project aims to create a two-player first-person and top-down view aura view puzzle game where two people are trapped in a room and you have to work together with different gameplay perspectives that you have to open the door that’s keeping you locked in opposing rooms before its too late.